Over the years, I've learned what forgiveness isn't.
True forgiveness:
- does not assert that the abuse was "no big deal"
- does not claim there is no pain
- does not insist that the abuse is forgotten
- does not pretend that the abuse never really happened
- does not shield the abuser from natural consequences
- does not require telling lies to keep the abuser's reputation untarnished
- does not "fix the family" or "hold the family together"
- does not mean recovery is completed
- does not terminate feelings about the abuse (including anger & sorrow)
- does not change the abuser into a caring, responsible person
- does not demand that the survivor be a selfless martyr
- does not by itself make a survivor whole
- does not grant trust and access to the abuser
- does not have to be spoken to our abuser directly since that can be dangerous
- does not result in the victim feeling re-victimized
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