Tuesday, May 20, 2008

You are More than a Victim

You are More

by Tanya T. Warrington

You have suffered abuse,

but you are not solely a victim

You have tears to shed in God’s timing,

but you are not doomed to unending depression

You have secrets you have kept,

but you are not required to continue hiding the truth

You are more than the trauma

You are more than the heartache

You are more than the memories

You are more than a survivor

You are a traveler on a difficult road

You are a gift to others given by God

You are more than you think

You can nurture yourself

You can allow healing

You can walk in Christ Jesus

You can talk about things that excite you

You can explore things you’ve always wanted to try

You can be thankful for the blessings God bestows

You are a cracked pot that can shine forth God’s redeeming power

You are a unique creation with a specific job to do

You are an eternal being with many choices to make

You have suffered abuse,

but it can make you more empathetic

You have tears to shed in God’s timing,

but you can smile joyfully too

You have secrets you have kept,

but today you can sing out about God’s goodness.

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Jan Parrish said...

Awesome. Thanks for sharing. I found your site through CCWC conference.

Great site. I'll be back.

Clueless said...

That was beautiful. Subject is tough. Just started my blog on the 8th. Just writing this feels like I'm going away, yet my site is so open and honest...hard to accept and talk about. Makes me feel like I want to die.

Tanya T. Warrington said...

Welcome to the site Jan. Feel free to read and post whenever you want.

Tanya T. Warrington said...

Clueless if you are struggling with suicidal thoughts please get help from counselors and/or your closest hospital.

If you are feeling overwhelmed and like you can't live through remembering past abuse--you are not alone. Many abuse survivors have struggled with similar feelings. Dealing with the past actually frees us to live fully in the present. Healing is possible.

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