Remember hiding
Trying to be invisible
To be out of harm's reach
Hiding, always hiding
under the bed or in the closet
in the woods or in the treetops
Under a bush or behind a chair
Hiding thoughts and beliefs
Burying feelings
Trying to keep pieces intact
Deep inside and far away
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I love what you are doing with your site. I know way too much about hiding. Even though I am safe now, I sometimes still feel like I need to justify existing and I remember that in a group that I was in the therapist said that if I could have gone through the wall I would have...I had become one with the wall.
I've been following you for a while and decided to add you to my blogroll. I was wondering if you would take a look at my site and do the same...if you have one. I can't remember.
Clueless, how sad to feel like you have to justify existing. I too find myself justifying things. For me it is justifying asking for a favor, justifying having an opinion, or justifying my right to have feelings. It's a journey...
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