Photo by Alex Green
Please write your own list of values you want to pass on. What do you think is essential for future generations? What truth or knowledge has helped you tremendously in life? What raises your passion, loyalty, and energy to defend? What do you hope your grandchildren and great-grandchildren will be like?
Working on a list will strengthen your resolve and equip you to be intentional in how you behave and what you say. It will strengthen you in doing things even when you don't feel like doing them. It will help you to do things for the next generation that no one did for you. It will help you to be your best self.
My list includes modeling kindness and teaching my children to respect others—not the kind of respect modeled by the world—not a kind that depends on power or performance. I want my children to understand deeply that they are special and unique, as is every human. Respect among equals is powerful and lovely, and I want my children ready to find and keep such relationships.
Photo by Ketut Subiyanto
I want my heirs to know that there are situations in which they need to stand up for themselves because some people will unknowingly step on their personal set of boundaries and need to be taught the limits of those boundaries. I also want my young sheep to be wary of the wolves in the world, who are prone to be controlling or abusive. I want them to respect that those people are choosing a lifestyle that is toxic to others around them. I want my children to respect themselves enough to stay away from poisonous relationships.
What is on your list? Give it a thought. It could make a huge difference in the years to come.
Photo by Julia M Cameron
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Lovely post!. Values and morality are the foundation for a child's healthy upbringing and lifestyle. I grew up in an environment where being truthful was and is my first duty to myself and to my god. As a mother I aspire to see similar qualities bud in my child. Thank you for this wonderful piece that makes us aware of what we should be and do to see positive characteristics grow strong in our children, especially in times today when the society is undergoing changes contantly.
Barkha Dhar
Thank you, Barkha.
You wrote,"Being truthful was and is my first duty to myself and to my god." I love these words. Being truthful is not always easy, but it is essential for an upright life. When we are dishonest to ourselves with denial or minimization, we harm ourselves and our family. It allows the status quo of abuse to thrive--and thereby harms everyone involved. It is not loving to lie to ourselves.
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