Monday, November 16, 2009

Rejoice? Are you Kidding?

When you're ankle-deep in the junk of abuse, you don't feel like rejoicing.  Looking at the evil things in this life is painful.  Sometimes, it feels like others think you should get over abuse violations in about a week.  Which is totally unrealistic.

Please note that I am not telling you in this post to "get over it" or to paste a fake smile on your face.

Photo by Steve Johnson

Addressing memories of abuse is important for good mental and physical health.  It is not fun, but it is important.  However, past abuse does not need to be a twenty-four hours a day preoccupation.  One good way to maintain balance while working through bad memories and difficult counseling sessions is to make an extra effort to practice gratitude.

Look for positive moments in your day.  Take the time to notice how God blesses you and give him a quick thanks.  Simple things like sparkling snow-covered bushes, an encouraging phone call, or laughter with one of your children count.  Be on the lookout; I know you'll find things.

Create positive moments.  Give a smile, a friendly wave, or a hug to express gratitude to the people in your life.  Say, "thank you" to anyone who serves you in any way today.

As you attend to your emotional and physical needs, thank your Creator for your emotions and body. As you eat, thank Him for the provision of food. As you drive, thank God for your vehicle, or as you ride the bus, thank Him for public transportation.

If you're blue about your past, try grounding yourself in the present by saying thank you to each person in your life whom you love.  If it's an especially bad day, express gratitude to God for the mundane things you take for granted, like your hairbrush, your ability to walk, or the way clouds look in the sky.

Please notice that I am not telling you to say thank you for the abuse.  Sometimes, Christians think they have to.  I think this is a misunderstanding of an important verse in which Paul encourages believers to rejoice in all things (Philippians 4:4).  He could rejoice that he escaped after being left for dead at his stoning; he could rejoice about having a relationship with Christ Jesus while he was in prison, and he could rejoice when his plans were thwarted because he knew the Holy Spirit was in charge.  He didn't rejoice because he was a masochist, but because He fully trusted in God, he knew that no matter what happened next, God would be with Him. And we can do the same.

At this time, I'm thanking God for the fall sunshine, a quiet house, and my comfortable office chair.  And I am thanking Him for the healing work He is doing in your life and mine.
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Cynthia said...

It is a beautiful thing to watch the healing of God in your life. Your words are gentle but strong and so many people will be helped when they find this corner of grace and hope

Tanya T. Warrington said...

Thank you! Your words encourage me to keep on posting, even when I am not sure if anyone is reading. :)

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