Thursday, September 10, 2009


Abuse is stressful for the whole body.

I have been struggling with much more illness this year. Since I have also been dealing with abuse memories and processing this year, I googled "abuse and illness" on the Internet to see if there is any possible connection. If you try it too, you will find articles on the physical and psychological conditions that are more common among abuse survivors. I found studies on the prevalence of gastrointestinal issues and migraines among us--both of which apply for me. I also read about depression and anxiety being a common problems for survivors, problems I have heard about from other survivors I have known.

So what do we do with the information? Afterall, we cannot undo the abuse we've experienced.

After giving it some thought, my response is to do my best to understand and truly accept that abuse was stressful for my body. Stress hormones surely flowed through my body regularly for years! The trauma is over now. But the consequences are still being worked out. I am on a wonderful healing journey with the Lord and I trust that my body will be healed in God's perfect timing.

His goodness is the rock upon which I will continue to stand. I need to take good care of my physical needs--now that I am free from abuse I can attend to those needs, indeed, my body is letting me know that I must.

Healing has so many layers, doesn't it? Feel free to post a reply (you can do so anonymously if you wish) or send me an email sharing your experience with the physical part of healing from abuse. Thanks in advance!

Published on 9/10/09
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Just Be Real said...

Powerful post! Yes, healing does feel like so many layers. You think you accomplished on area, then bam another one pops up that you have to deal with.

Sorry dear one you are in pain, but understandable.

Thank you for who you are. Blessings!

Tanya T. Warrington said...

Thank you, Just Be Real! Your true and gentle response is a blessing to me today!

Jan Parrish said...

As you walk through this, your health will improve, as it did with me. I'll be praying for you.

Jan Parrish said...

As you walk through this, your health will improve. That's how it worked for me. I'll be praying.

Cynthia said...


My recovery took years too. I think I noticed it most in my instincts and my reactions. My heart would beat and my "flight" response would kick in when I least expected it.Long after I needed to sheild my children, I would thrown myself in front of them at a moments notice. But God and time and awareness healed me and today I really feel almost free of the effects. But my ordeal was a marriage 9 years long and occured to me as an adult who could mostly process reality. For those who suffer in childhood, with the helplessness that accompanies such horror, I am sure it may take much longer.

Your blog is so important Tanya!

Just Be Real said...


Tanya T. Warrington said...


I thank you for your encouragement and prayers. I feel pretty sure that God will bless me with better health as a result of walking through this chapter of my healing. I rejoice with you that your health improved. I hope it will be the same for me.

Migraines are a specific problem right now. They have been many.

Tanya T. Warrington said...

Girl in a Glass House,

That flight or fight response sure is hard-wired. When we have suffered from abuse it becomes quickly activated.

Thank you for sharing about your situation. I commend you for getting yourself and your children safe and for working through your healing process. It is a long journey--but each new level brings new freedom, doesn't it!

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