It doesn't matter whether you are a poet or not. All you need is a beating heart, a writing implement, and a willingness to risk putting words on the page. You can let the words shoved away in the dark corners of your being bubble up and receive acknowledgment and acceptance. No one else need ever see your private thoughts and feelings. If you want, you can tear up your poems, burn them, or bury them.
Or you can share them with other people who are sharing the same painful journey you are traveling. If you ever want to post a comment or poem on this site, just click on comments and then write and send your comment. I purposely set this site up so that you do not need to be a blogger to comment or reveal your identity. Feel free to click anonymous if you want or to create a pen name for yourself. If you are in a place where revealing your identity helps heal the shame, then you can choose to sign your comments. Do what is best for you.
Periodically, I post a poem that has emerged from my healing process.
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