Photo by Denniz Futalan:
Look for positive moments in your day. Take the time to notice how God blesses you and tell him thanks. Simple things like sparkling snow-covered bushes, an encouraging phone call, or laughter with one of your children count. Be on the lookout; I know you'll find things.
Create positive moments. Intentionally smile, wave, or hug the people in your life to express gratitude. Watch a comedy. Thank anyone who serves you in any way today.
As you attend to your emotional and physical needs, thank your Creator for your emotions and body. As you eat, thank Him for the provision of food. As you drive, thank God for your vehicle, or as you ride the bus, thank Him for public transportation.
If you're blue about your past, try grounding yourself in the present--be grateful for something or someone this day. You're on a marathon of healing, not a sprint. Taking time for gratitude will make it a more enjoyable journey. Gratitude for the good in your life increases hope, decreases stress hormones, and raises our courage--it's a behavior that will bless you and others as you walk toward wholeness.
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