As a warrior in life,
I battled just to survive;
I hid behind my shield,
thrusting my sword when assaulted.
I lived on in a den of dragons;
I survived, wounded but breathing.
I never foresaw the day coming
when survival wouldn't be enough,
and wounds would demand healing;
I didn't know then that I'd leave the cave.
Outside the dragon's lair,
my shield became heavy,
and my sword tripped me up;
my heart longed for new prizes
and love invited me into an unknown dance.
Oh, to dance and twirl,
bow and leap
to the tune of freedom,
living and laughing in vibrant colors
instead of shaking in the dark cave.
Goodbye, Dragons. Farewell gloomy holes;
I'm embracing new life,
engaging in wonder and delight.
My survival worked then, but has finished its fight.
Play on drum,
measure out a new tune,
I will listen and sway
in a bright place of wholeness
I dared not even imagine while fighting wicked dragons.
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