Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Four Reasons to Rest

Emotional healing from abuse of any sort takes much hard work. It also requires seasons of rest. Have you ever felt burned out with professional counseling? Have you ever worked so much on trying to overcome an old coping behavior that you feel you are banging your head against a wall? These are normal parts of the journey.

When you feel ready for a break, go ahead and rest. There are four wonderful benefits of taking a rest period from emotional healing work:

  1. During a break you can see better how far you have come. You can notice how you behave now versus how you were behaving before the last round of counseling or the last stack of self-help books. Seeing the changes will help you to feel re-energized when you are ready to bite off the next chunk of healing in the future.
  2. A rest period allows you to enjoy trauma-free living. It helps you to get used to the idea that you don’t need all of your life to center around survival any more. You can explore and find out more about who else you are.
  3. A rest, a time in which you are not focusing on memories or digging up unresolved feelings, can be a great time to practice taking good care of yourself and loving others in healthy ways. Your successes will refresh you and bless others.
  4. A rest from healing work can help you to reassess if you are keeping God and His Kingdom as your first priority. You can rest in Christ Jesus and receive God’s wonderful care as your Good Shepherd. It will deepen your trust in God and give you greater faith and strength when it is time to enter another period of active healing work.

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