Photo by Tú Nguyễn
Fairytales are nice
but easily misunderstood
by little girls
with gentle hearts
The beast didn't become a prince
just because the princess was kind
or because she stubbornly loved him
no matter how beastly he might be
The beast was really a prince the whole time
He was only a beast because of a spell
He won the princess because of his gentle deeds
Because he did good despite the bad that had happened to him
In our non-fairytale world
Tales are often turned on their head
Girls can meet princes who are really beasts in hiding
Charming though he may be, his insides have great flaws
How does a girl know what to do to recognize who is who?
His words are lovely, and his gifts are fine
But what is his mind and character?
How do we know who he really is or isn't?
Non-princess girls in the real world
Have to pay attention and think carefully
They cannot depend on fairy dust or magic wands
To lead them into a forever after that sparkles
Ordinary girls have to tune out the charm
to examine the deeds
His mouth speaks of love
But what do his actions portray?
Is he gentle and kind in what he does?
Are his words honorable, and does he do what he says?
Does he sacrifice his wants to honor her needs?
Does he practice patience and show restraint?
A true prince isn't defined by his clothes or his gaze
He's known for his truthfulness and courage
And his willingness to serve
He's noticed because of his good actions and kind character.
Comments Welcomed:
Did you feel like you wanted to marry a prince but accidentally married or dated a beast? Have you changed the way you look at dating as you recover from past abuse? What do you think are the most important things to look for in a partner?
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